创业公司Elk Grove

订婚了 voices feature key initiatives in the region to educate community members about the developments and critical work underway in our region. 对于本月的专题, 我们采访了埃尔克格罗夫市的官方十大网投网址专家, 萨拉·罗德里格斯, 去了解这个城市的创业项目, “创业麋鹿林”. 继续往下读,了解更多.


The 创业公司Elk Grove Incentive Program (“创业麋鹿林”) is designed to support the launch, 增长, 以及对Elk Grove的创新创业公司的吸引力, 十大网投官方入口通过提供混合金融, 选址, 权利, 并允许对企业家提供支持, 创业公司, 以及联合办公的经营者, 孵化器, 还有加速器空间.

Elk Grove专门针对和帮助的创业公司. entrepreneurs seeking to establish a startup company in Elk Grove; 2. existing 创业公司 looking to scale operations in Elk Grove; and 3. 联合办公空间的经营者, 企业孵化器, 以及在埃尔克格罗夫寻找落户地点的创业加速器. The overriding goal of the Program is to identify and invest in new and innovative 公司 that will grow rapidly and become future large company anchors of the Elk Grove economy. The Program also seeks to develop and support a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem in Elk Grove by investing in entrepreneurs, 公司, and physical spaces that will promote a local clustering of startup businesses that will in turn attract resources and equity capital to the City to support these 公司.


  1. 已经吸引或准备吸引种子期资金, 合资企业, 或其他类似的资本投资来源.
  2. Have or be prepared to hire at least five employees, which can include founders and owners.
  3. 在员工方面有快速增长的潜力吗, 占用的商业面积, 和/或地方税收产生.
  4. 是五岁以下吗, 员工少于100人, 年收入低于5000万美元, 其估值不到5亿美元. Often, 公司 assisted through this program will be much smaller than these thresholds.
  5. 属于以下或类似的垂直领域:硬件, 软件, 软件即服务(SaaS), 移动, 电子商务, 人工智能(AI), 增强现实(AR), 虚拟现实(VR), 机器人, 亚博, Health科技, 生物技术, 物联网(IoT), 绿色技术, 清洁技术, Fin科技, 区块链, 还有大数据.
  6. 拥有最小可行产品(MVP), defined as a commercial offering developed with sufficient features to satisfy early adopters.


  • LAUNCH – This component provides financial incentives to startup entrepreneurs with a high potential concept who agree to develop and attempt to launch their business in Elk Grove.
  • SCALEUP – This component provides financial incentives and non-monetary assistance (i.e. 选址, 权利, and permitting) for 创业公司 that demonstrate high 增长 potential and are looking to scale operations in Elk Grove.
  • SPACES – This component provides financial incentives for 联合办公空间的经营者, 孵化器, 或位于埃尔克格罗夫市的加速器. 资金也可由市政府用于购买, 租赁, 或者改善适合这类业务的商业空间.


How does your organization promote partnership and inclusion within the Greater Sacramento region?

  • Support for Co-working Spaces and Incubators: 创业公司Elk Grove is not only targeting entrepreneurs and 创业公司 but also 联合办公空间的经营者, 企业孵化器, 创业加速器. 通过支持这些实体, the program is creating hubs where entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds can connect, 合作, 并获得资源来发展他们的业务.
  • Encouraging Diversity in Startup Ecosystem: By investing in a diverse range of startups in various verticals such as hardware, 软件, 亚博, Health科技, 和Fin科技, 该项目旨在促进创业生态系统的包容性. This approach ensures that entrepreneurs from different industries and backgrounds have the opportunity to participate and thrive in Elk Grove and Greater Sacramento’s economy.
  • Focus on Innovation and 科技nology: The program’s focus on innovative industries such as artificial intelligence, 增强现实, 区块链, 大数据, and more creates opportunities for entrepreneurs with cutting-edge ideas to contribute to the region’s economic 增长. 通过支持这些领域的创业公司, 创业公司Elk Grove is fostering a culture of innovation and technological advancement that benefits the entire Greater Sacramento region.


你对公司的长期愿景是什么? 你认为随着时间的推移,它会如何演变?

The long- term vision for the 创业公司Elk Grove Incentive Program is to establish Elk Grove as a thriving hub for innovation, 创业, 以及大萨克拉门托地区的经济增长. 随着时间的推移,该项目的目标是在几个关键方面发展:

  • Ecosystem Development: The program seeks to cultivate a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem in Elk Grove by continuously supporting startups, 联合办公区, 孵化器, 和加速器. 这包括提供持续的财政激励, 选址协助, 并允许为吸引和留住创新公司提供支持.
  • 创造就业机会和经济影响:作为支持创业公司成长和成功, 它们将有助于创造就业机会, 商业用房, 以及埃尔克格罗夫的地方税收. The long-term vision is to have a significant number of successful startups that serve as anchors of the local economy, 推动经济繁荣,为居民创造机会.
  • 行业多元化:随着时间的推移, 该计划将逐步发展,以支持更广泛的行业和垂直领域, 反映不断变化的创新创业格局. 这将包括新兴行业, 新技术, 以及提供增长和投资机会的利基市场.
  • Sustainability and Resilience: The long-term vision includes building a sustainable and resilient startup ecosystem that can withstand economic fluctuations and external challenges.

整体, the long-term vision for the 创业公司Elk Grove Incentive Program is to create a dynamic and supportive environment where startups thrive, 创新, and economic prosperity is shared by all residents of Elk Grove and the Greater Sacramento region.


关于这个项目,你有什么想让社区知道的吗, 或者以任何方式参与或支持它的成功?

  • Opportunities for Entrepreneurs: If you’re an entrepreneur with a startup idea or an existing startup company, 该计划提供各种形式的支持. Don’t hesitate to reach out and explore how the program can help you launch or grow your business in Elk Grove.
  • Spreading the Word: Help raise awareness about the 创业公司Elk Grove Incentive Program within the community. 订阅我们的时事通讯 “BUSINESSWISE” to stay up to date; and share information about the program with friends, 家庭, 以及可能从它的支持中受益的同事. By spreading the word, we can connect more entrepreneurs with the resources they need to thrive.
  • 参加/赞助我们的麋鹿园活动. 今年的活动将于2024年9月19日在Elk Grove的第56区举行. For more information or to make sure you receive an invitation closer to the date, reach out to 萨拉·罗德里格斯.

By coming together as a community to support the 创业公司Elk Grove Incentive Program, 我们可以创造一个繁荣的生态系统,让企业家茁壮成长, 创业公司蓬勃发展, 我们的地方经济繁荣. Let’s work together to build a brighter future for Elk Grove and the Greater Sacramento region!





ELEVAI实验室公司 .成立于2020年., 一家植根于先进人类干细胞研究的生物技术公司, 宣布扩大产品线, 专注于人类干细胞外泌体产品.



唐纳德·特里是高级副总裁 & Community Development Officer for Bank of the Sierra and a member of GSEC’s 董事会. 了解他为什么重视官方十大网投网址, 在GSEC工作,在大萨克拉门托地区生活和工作&下面一个.

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